
Internet diary ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ"

Happenings and cute things I like.

Aloha and Mahalo

Hi everyone. It’s a rainy day with flood warning notifications here on Oahu. For anyone curious about life in Hawaii, it is ALWAYS either windy or rainy (or both) and only ever sunny when I’m trying to walk somewhere and sweating my balls off.

I have just been packing and getting ready to move out of my shoe box dorm room and go back to LA over the summer tomorrow. I have to put all my stuff in storage by 6 pm tonight so then I won’t have any bed sheets or towels or nothing for the night o__o I intend to use a sweater as comforter when I go to sleep.

I don’t have any major plans for when I’m back in LA other than apparently going to some kind of magic brunch on Saturday O__o No idea what to expect.

First night of summer break

I’m officially on summer break!!!!! And had a magical beach picnic last night with my beautiful friends, Tim, Rachel, Ian, and James. Then I had a 7 hour call with my long distance besties that I haven't talked with in forever. Life hits different when you don’t have to write papers ;_;

Girl in a jacket Girl in a jacket Girl in a jacket Girl in a jacket Girl in a jacket Girl in a jacket Girl in a jacket Girl in a jacket

On the quest of having a very good and sexy life

Hi. I’ve been sick or something. Or I had a bad reaction to a medication I was taking for my asthma. So my body went nope. I suspect stress plays a part too. I’ve been so stressed and worn out, mainly because of having a million problems with my asthma this whole semester, which I haven’t had at all since I was like 15 so that’s super frustrating. School work has also been killing me. Even though my workload has actually been significantly less than previous semesters. I guess it’s the asthma stuff that’s been messing me up and making normal things so much harder. My brain has been completely busted :( But luckily I had a chance to get some real good rest. So I’ve been resting and doing meditation hypnosis stuff to try to chill tf out. And trying to eat healthy food because having instant noodles for dinner three nights in a row before probably wasn’t the best idea.

So I was thinking back on life and I’ve noticed that it seems like I’m the happiest whenever I feel excited about the future. And when I’ve been the unhappiest I’ve typically dreaded the future, had no idea what I want to do, etc.

Wait, I forgot where I was going with this. Oh right. I decided to come up with some life goals. Before when I’ve made lists like this it has mainly focused on achievements and really big things, but I want it to be fun things that don’t require years of blood sweat and tears to accomplish.

1. Have a really cute apartment

I’ve never really cared about decorating and have always treated my living space more like storage space than anything else. But with old age I’ve started to crave having a really nice space. Here’s some inspo from Pinterest.

Girl in a jacket Girl in a jacket Girl in a jacket

Right now I live in a shoe box in a shitty student dorm so I don’t really want to buy a bunch of stuff to put up here, but once I have something a little more permanent! Then!

2. Have a full spa day with a really good massage

I’ve been to spa type places but I’ve never actually gotten a professional massage. Could be nice.

3. Visit all national parks in California.

Because I love national parks and I love California. I even have the national park passport stamp book thing. Here are my stamps and sticker from Joshua Tree earlier this year!

Girl in a jacket

4. Go out in the desert and watch the night sky away from light pollution

We tried doing this in Joshua Tree but it was so cold and dark and scary so it didn’t feel safe to go into the wilderness. We did look at the sky right outside the house we were staying at, but that was close to town so there was of course light pollution. I still got to see more stars than I had ever seen before! But I want to see pink nebulae and all that cool stuff.

There are obviously more things I want to do. The other day I suddenly got the biggest craving to go back to Hong Kong. I haven’t been there since 2016, and that was just for 1 week. Booooring. I love Hong Kong, you’d think I would’ve been there several times by now.

Anyway, here’s some good and sexy things I’ve done so far this year:

Some lovely walks in Tokyo the first few days of the year

Girl in a jacket Girl in a jacket

Camping trip by Kahana Valley in January! First pic’s from Hanauma Bay lol, but it was the same weekend and I like the pic. Girl in a jacket Girl in a jacket

Kayaking with humpback whales on Maui in February. A whale and her baby passed by right under our kayak! It was super hard to get decent pics of the whales though.

Girl in a jacket

Joshua Tree in March :)

Girl in a jacket Girl in a jacket Girl in a jacket Girl in a jacket

Babe Rainbow

Since I know everyone is super invested in my grocery situation, I'll give you all the updates. I found everything I wanted at Costco and then some, including my favorite chocolate chip cookies. But it took forever and I hate Costco even more than before and never want to go there again. It's like an angry ant highway in there and people are always so grumpy compared to literally anywhere else :(

Then when we got back we cooked yummy food with my other good friends Rachel and Mary. Rachel always picks the best kitchen playlists so it's always a good time :D

I ate so much dumplings and more that I completely passed out aftwards and I still feel stuffed now at least 5 hours later o__o

The view from half way down

Good news, my good friend Tim is taking me to Costco to get groceries. I want to buy avocados and vegetables and cooking oil and dumplings and salt. But I can never find anything I’m looking for at Costco *--*

This is the view from my bed and what I wake up to every morning:

Girl in a jacket Girl in a jacket

Very sneaky.

This fun day

Omg writing these posts is bringing me SO much joy, my inner child is jumping up and down. I used to read silly blogs like this all the time as a teenager.

Today there were some people on campus giving out free snacks to everyone who filled out a survey, so I did it and scored some kind of cheese popcorn.

Nothing interesting’s happening right now because I’m just working on final projects, so here, have some pics from like two weeks ago. I sometimes go do a volunteer thing planting native grass and pulling invasive weeds.

This was my ootd:

Girl in a jacket

And this is me and my super cool and chill and insightful friend Cheyenne. I always gain a lot of valuable perspectives on life from talking to her!!

Girl in a jacket

I also walked on the beach while Cheyenne was surfing.

Girl in a jacket

It was a chaotic but fun day. I think I got a little delirious from the sun. Someone dropped my sushi, but I don’t remember which one of us it was. It got mushed but was still good.

Now I’m going to go have instant noodles for dinner because I’m busy and sad and literally don’t have time to go to the grocery store or cook real food.

Oh what an aNOOYYYing… gUy you are

Lately I’ve been feeling so trapped in this office, on this campus, on this island!! :@

But I actually had a fun weekend c: Some friends asked if I wanted to go see a play and I was like play? I never go see plays idk if I want to go see a play. But I agreed just to leave my room for the night and the play was actually really fun! And it turned out everyone and they momma was there too so we ran into a bunch of people and that was fun.

Theeen I went on a lil hike and a lil beach with some people and some of them are witches and they started debating witchcraft. Kids these days, am I right?

Y’all wanna know an old-timey emoticon I miss?? This one:


It’s literally so good I don’t know why no one uses it. Let’s bring it back.


Girl in a jacket

Bun in the oven.


Hi everyone >w<

My friend has been helping me set this page up because I'm hopeless with computers. There's still a lot of work to do to get everything running but I'm obsessed with how cute it looks so far. I'm obsessed with cute pastel colors like this right now >w< I decided to make a lil blog like this because I've been wanting to post more things on the internet for fun recently but a) social media apps suck nowadays and b) a blog is more fun to go back and read than going through disconnected instagram posts.

I guess I should introduce myself? My name is Heza. I currently live in Hawaii, and I have been here for a little over a year now. Life here has been a great experience in many ways (I’m especially happy to have rediscovered how much I like swimming, which I loved doing as a child), but my heart often aches for my home in California. I’m a grad student but the name of my school and department is a secret ^_-.

I am definitely not a home body, or at least I try not to be one, and I like going outside and doing things. The last year or so I’ve been super into hiking and spending time in nature in general, but unfortunately being a grad student often means being stuck inside and on the computer all day. Only a few more weeks until summer break… >_< Idk why I’m suddenly using these old-timey emoticons, but I guess it fits the overall vibe of the page, lol.

I don’t think that many people will actually find this page, but I mainly just want to do this because I think it’ll be fun. At some point I might try to set something up so people can write comments too.

Aaaand this is what I look like right now. A very tired grad student :(

Girl in a jacket

BYE for now!!!

Hi. I’m Heza. I’m a sad grad student in Hawaii. I want to post things on the internet but the social media apps are lame, so I’ve made an old-timey blog. I like being in nature, cute outfits, fun adventures with friends, and snacks.

I have an instagram
