
Internet diary ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ"

Happenings and cute things I like.


I’m trying to make updates to this page. As you can see, the side bar now finally contains an archive section. My biggest wish is to try to create a comment section for each post but it takes so long to do everything and I can’t do it by myself.

I went to Silverlake Flea the other day. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many hot and trendy people in one place before.

I got a little pineapple drink cause it was hot. I was excited to realize the cups had little Hello Kitty stickers on them.



This was my ootd. But I think I got out dressed by everyone there T_T

I’ve been buying so much stuff in this blue color lately, or varying nuances of it. It really is everywhere this summer. I think this color may make me feel nostalgic for this time.

We then strolled around Echo Park. It was nice and extremely hot. Happy friend groups were blasting Mexican music. It’s my favorite thing. I tried to eavesdrop on a trendy looking gay couple’s conversation. We walked around the pond and eventually sat down in the shade. I felt the wind on my arms. I never wanted to leave. I felt a little sad because I felt like I have already seen most of LA by now.


There are many more exciting things I want to share and write about. But there are so many more updates I would like to do with the site before I go all out. Oh well.


Ocean air for her nerves

You know how in like the 1800s, hysterical women would be sent to the ocean to calm their nerves? It works. It should be prescribed by doctors now too.


Sad and sleep deprived.

I literally wear this t-shirt every other day. I wanted a Vision Street Wear shirt like one some youtuber in a video from 2014 had, but it was soo hard to find one. Finally found a similar one on Depop and have been wearing it all the time ever since.


The little park walk thing by the beach in Santa Monica reminds me a lot of Yamashita Park in Yokohama.


Somewhere in West Hollywood, waiting for tacos.

Put your drinks up

Last night I came across some pictures of some friends from back in the day. Scene core with bright red, teased hair. I was bored so I tried doing my hair like I used to, straightening and teasing.

And so I’m completely flooded with nostalgia. I can FEEL the happiness, the excitement, how style and subculture meant the whole entire world. Those were the days. And now I’m old enough where time just races by and I just can’t keep up with the ways I would like to dress and style my hair. I look up and suddenly it’s been a year and I never got the chance to wear that color combination I was so into for a while.

It’s funny how I didn’t even like or pay attention to music like this back then. It was the exact kind of music it was so important to mark distance from, in fact. But that sweet mix of happy beats and nostalgia for simpler times, and suddenly your heart is utterly transported with elation.

girl girl

That’s me baby. I can’t imagine anything will ever beat being 16 in 2011.


Hi. I’m Heza. I’m a sad grad student in Hawaii. I want to post things on the internet, so I’ve made an old-timey blog. I like being in nature, cute outfits, fun adventures with friends, and snacks.

I have an instagram
