In the sweet north country
2025-03-01 permalink
Boy oh boy did I have an amazing weekend last week. And I am now 30 years old :D So far the 30s club is treating me very well.
So last weekend. It was my birthday weekend, so one of my closest friends told me to pick whatever I wanted to do. I immediately knew exactly what I wanted: Bike the Marvin Braude bike trail. I did this my first ever time visiting LA several years ago, which was a spellbinding experience, but I hadn’t done it once since.
So we biked from Will Roger’s state beach all the way through Venice where the trail ended, and then all the way back just in time to catch a mesmerizing sunset.
God, California’s coastline T__T <3
The very next day, me and some friends got take-out from Leo’s Superfood Cafe and had a picnic by the Hollywood reservoir. There’s a nice little nature area right by where Lake Hollywood dr, Tahoe dr, and Montlake dr intersect. It was so nice and good and green and lush T__T Sweet by Lana del Rey was playing in my head the whole time.
My friend Carolyn looks so Hollywood fabulous here.
Now let me tell you about how I treated myself on my actual birthday. I woke up around nine. I was tired so I lingered in bed doing nothing for probably hours. At some point I got up to have a glass of water. I decided I would not push myself to do ANYTHING all day. I felt that I wanted to brush my teeth. I did because I wanted to. If I had not felt like it, I would not have pushed myself to do it. I ended up taking a several hour nap around noon. I dreamt of mushrooms in a golden light.
I set a timer for 30 minutes with the intention of doing nothing. I sat outside in the sun for a little bit, until I started feeling too hot. Usually when I do the timer thing, I resist the urge to check how much time’s left. But since I wasn’t pushing anything, I let myself peak as much as I wanted.
I read Water Moon until I didn’t feel like it anymore. So I did a little bit of some kind of yoga/strength training. I’ve been enjoying working on my upper body strength and my core lately. I only ever do exercises I enjoy. I’ve picked up a few I really like over the years. Then I took a long nice shower, and then read some more Water Moon.
I later went to Trader Joe’s with a good friend who then cooked me a delicious dinner. I made him play Go Fish with me, according to the rules the kids at my elementary school used. It was surprisingly fun and we ended up playing multiple rounds. I also made him watch one of my favorite childhood tv shows with me, W.i.t.c.h. All the episodes are available on youtube :D
No pushing, no nothing. Just deep, sacred rest.
This rabbit spirit watches over my hallway/living room ~