
Internet diary ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ"

Happenings and cute things I like.

Dis week

Hi bloggi. It’s been a week of doing not much. I’ve been waking up late everyday. Today I didn’t get out of bed until 4 pm :0 I’ve realized how deeply burnt out I am after the school year. I was aware that I was academically burnt out but now I’m noticing that there’s more to it. It’s like I’ve completely exhausted all willpower to do things you don’t want to do but have to. Like cooking and doing the dishes, which I hate. I’ve just had to force myself to do things I don’t want to beyond what’s healthy for so long now that the ability is gone. Other chores I enjoy doing more are no problem at all, like laundry, taking care of my hygiene, etc, but all those things you have to do even though you may not want to, I’m just not able to. Luckily I have kind people around me picking up the slack ;_;

I relapsed big time on my quite severe scrolling addiction during finals, because I used it to numb my emotions to get through the ordeal. So I’ve completely avoided all social media stuff for the last two days which always feels good. A year ago I was engaging in 12 hour binges where I wouldn’t even take a break to eat soo yeah… it’s a problem ^^; Life always magically feels a little more fun the first few days of being completely off it.

I’ve been doing yoga almost everyday, which is pretty much exactly what I need atm. My body is craving movement like crazy nowadays. Tomorrow I’m going on a hike that’s supposed to be more challenging, so I’m hoping I’ll be completely exhausted after.

The other day I had Chipotle for the first time in over a year ;_;

girl with burrito


Hi. I’m Heza. I’m a sad grad student in Hawaii. I want to post things on the internet, so I’ve made an old-timey blog. I like being in nature, cute outfits, fun adventures with friends, and snacks.

I have an instagram
