
Internet diary ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ"

Happenings and cute things I like.


I’m up all night packing. Going to the airport to go to Washington in two hours. A wistful sadness is tugging at my heart tonight. I’m thinking about nostalgic places that are no longer part of my life. Lives that will never be lived again. Wondering about what parts of my current life may one day turn into heart aching nostalgia. Whether my current life is even interesting or special enough to be worthy of such feelings.

This song really creates this kind of mood. Almost like missing something that never existed.


Hi. I’m Heza. I’m a sad grad student in Hawaii. I want to post things on the internet, so I’ve made an old-timey blog. I like being in nature, cute outfits, fun adventures with friends, and snacks.

I have an instagram
